Rifle Rest Feet are 6061 aluminum, black anodized with neoprene rubber non-slip bottoms. Rifle Rest Feet are used to prevent your rifle rest from moving on bench tops. The Rifle Rest Feet locate the rest leg points and spread the load area over the foots bearing surface on the bench. Use if there are surface imperfections in the bench top surface or the bench is of hard, concrete or soft wood that you prefer not to make marks in with the points of your rest. Because of the larger surface are and neoprene rubber these feet keeps your rest from moving and protect the bench top from damage.

Rifle Rest Feet are designed for the small diameter leg points of the Farley rest. Holes in the feet have a 60 degree taper therefore the leg points fit nicely into them. Two different thickness are available 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch. Sold as a set of three. 1/4″ thick $35, 1/2″ thick $45 plus $4.00 for shipping in USA. (Currently sold out of both sizes)
If interested send me an email as to which size you would prefer. Greg at mrgt350@yahoo.com or PayPal to the same email address.